Fantastical Mr Fox

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Don't believe all those before and after photos

You see them all the time!! These amazing transformation  photos of real people.

It inspires you to change your life around doesn't it? Awesome and so it should!

The problem is most of them are simple lying to you.

I cannot deny how amazing these people look after transforming their body. They deserve a pat on the back for sure! 

What I hate is how these photos don't tell the whole story but still sell a dream. False hope and no realism of how hard its actually going to be. Time frames are usually totally out of whack!. State a 4-6 week time periods.

More like 6 months at the least you mean!

Marketers can stage photos to look whatever way they want them to look. Take a gander at these of me (not the best but hopefully you'll see my point)

How long do you think its take me to change from photo 1 (excuse the pants) to photo 2? 

6 months? Nope

Shorter? 3 months? Nope

Even shorter? 4 weeks? Not even close

What, shorter? 2 weeks? still a bit long

How about several hours! Yep, not even full day!

The photos haven't been altered in any way.

Amazing to think you can look completely different in 2 separate photos on the same day.

All it took was different lighting and a pose.

I could've gone a step further and manipulated my carb intake and hydration levels to really make a difference! (physique competitors do this to look ripped)

Every time theres a new superhero movie we see celebrities changing shape almost overnight. Again these celebs look fantastic you can't deny that.

They do the impossible and make you believe you can too. What's never mentioned is they've had a whole host of extras to help along the way

  • full time trainers with a gruelling workout schedules

  • dietician to plan every meal

  • a chef/cook to prepare meals.

  • Oh and don't forget the multi-million pound incentive at the end of it before the movie starts

We on the other hand have many stresses in life to contend with. Their transformation is their job, in fact their job depends on it! Everyday peeps like you and me have many other barriers to slow down us down. These take time to overcome and can be very difficult to do

I'm not saying you can't do what seems to be the impossible! What I'm saying is its much much harder than the before and after photo promise gives you

If these photos inspire you to make a change, awesome!

Please bare in mind they don't always give you the full picture (excuse the pun).

The road road ahead is long so don't get disheartened even if it takes a little longer than 6 weeks


There are some legitimate before and after ones out there so I don't want to take that away from the people and the trainers that have achieve real results. In fact I know some awesome PT's I've taught and some I've worked with that are a amazing and a credit to the industry. These aren't the people I'm talking about. I'm taking about the ones that are trying to make a quick buck and rip people off by bending the truth or simply lying!