When will I be enough........
When I get that new car..........When I get my new phone..........When we go on holiday.........When friday comes around...........When I lose that last few pounds............when I look like that movie star
We all do it everyday? Always 'WHEN' this and 'WHEN' that but never actually NOW!
Spending most of our lives wishing the days away waiting for the next best thing to happen, whilst never actually sitting back and enjoying day to day happenings.
Do you ever hear or when war the last time you said
"l love my life"
"I'm so grateful my kids are healthy"
"My family is the best"
I really appreciate the friends I have"
"I'm so lucky to have this job"
"I'm looking good today".
We are never satisfied with what we have, we never seem to be content. This mind set can have benefits as it keeps us motivated, coming back for more, making our lives better. If we didn't we'd all be sat on the sofa eating crisps and pizza watching Jeremy Kyle and Loose Women.
When will I be enough though? When do we feel content or even ARE enough?
"Life is a journey not a destination"
What happens when we get to our destination?
At first theres the initial excitement, once that fades (usually very quickly) you want more and new destination is set. Think back to the last destination you got to, this could be a car journey, holiday, marriage or weight loss. Can you remember how you got there and did you enjoy it?
If you can't remember the journey getting there you're possible wasting your life away not experiencing or enjoying it. If you hated the journey then maybe next time try it a way that you enjoy and that gives you pleasure along the way.
I see this lots with my clients, they have goals they want to achieve and thats all they think about. Goals are great as you probably wouldn't achieve anything if you didn't have them but people forget about the bigger picture.
Once they've reached the goal its never enough and they want more. It usually goes like this
"I want to lose 6 lb. of fat by the summer as it'll make me slimmer and happier"
Lets say they achieve this but rather be happy for maybe more than 30 minutes they decide they want more
"I want to lose another 3 lb. because it'll make me even more slimmer and happier"
They achieve this but this time its still not enough, they decide to go a step further
"I want to lose another 4 lb. of fat because its going to make me even slimmer and more happy"
The cycle continues, with the destination getting further and further away. They're never content with what they've achieved or maybe even being happy about it. Never seeing that they're healthier, stronger and sexier. They just want more and more.
We all do this too, whether its weight loss, muscle gain or even getting those amazing shoes you've always wanted. Its never enough and we want more!
Rather than waiting for the next destination maybe you should start thinking about the journey and how to enjoy life whilst being content with what you've got. Strive for new goals, destinations, things etc. but at least try to be happy with what you have first.
Try this for 7 days (yes for 7 whole days)
Each day
List 1 part of your body that you're happy with
List 1 experience that made you happy. This could be anything from someone giving you a complement, watching a movie or simply having great sex
I guarantee you'll realise that 'WHEN' (destination) isn't that exciting any more and 'NOW' is for living and enjoying.
You're more than what you need and have. Having more and being more does not always give you happiness.