Fantastical Mr Fox

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Your Body isn’t Netflix or Amazon Prime

I’ve just binged watched the last 5 episodes of the new series of Jessica Jones, it took a little while (about 4 episodes) to get some momentum but after it wasn't too bad 👌 The binge-watching helped.

I’m now binge watching Luther. I’m loving it (for the person that told me to watch it years ago, I’m sorry 😬 you were right, its fab).

I never watch TV or anything that is weekly episodic series anymore. Well unless Bake Off is on 😍🍰

It takes too long to watch it. 

I need it now. I need to be able to watch the whole thing back to back.

If I can’t binge watch it I lose interest 😴

I’m afraid to admit it, but my attention span is dropping by the day. I blame technology and my love of it 📱🎧🎮💻😍

I’ve got an Amazon Prime account too. I mainly use the next day delivery service part. 


I don’t order from anywhere else. Whats the point?! Somehow, someway Amazon gets it to me the next day so why would I? 🤷‍♂️

Technology has made me impatient. I want it NOW. Right NOW! 😡

Technology is amazing ☺️

We can watch anything we want, whenever and wherever we want. Even when we’re having a poop 💩 

We can even order things on our phone whilst having a poop 🚽 and it turns up on our doorstep the next day. How cool is that? In fact, we can get it within 2 hours if we really want to. 

Technology is moving forward at lightning speed⚡️. Who knows what we’ll have in the next 10 years. I love it 😍

Technology is changing at a pace that the world can’t keep up.

Our bodies are another matter. 

They are still as slow as ever and have barely changed for thousands of years.

Same sack of flesh and bones we’ve always had. 🐒

Don’t get me wrong our bodies are fantastic living machines. What they can do is out of this world, but they come with a few problems. 

Our bodies are slow to change. 

They take what feels like forever to lose fat and build muscle 😫

Never mind how long it takes to build skills, the sort of skills that improve your habits. Skills of understanding when we’re actually hungry, stopping when we’re full or delaying gratification.

That lies the problem of our time. We expect our bodies to change at the same pace technology does. 

Next day delivery or on-demand TV can change almost overnight. Our bodies don’t. 

Our bodies take time to change, the mind too takes time to learn and to implement.

When we start a new programme of change, AKA diet, workout routine etc. we expect things to happen straight away. We expect next day delivery of our new body. 

Our body isn’t Amazon Prime! Its slower than that. It will always be slow!

We think we can do everything all at once. Not in a week, a month, or a year, but NOW. 

Our body isn’t Netflix. It can’t be downloaded in an instant. 

It's not your fault you feel this way. 

Impatience comes from the media and products that prey on peoples insecurities. We are constantly told we can get overnight success. SLOW isn’t SEXY, NOW is SEXY 🕺

Instant results are a lie! 😤

Show me someone with instant results or overnight success and I’ll show you months and months, years even, of hard work behind that so-called instant result.

Even an optimum diet and exercise programme will take time to show results. 

There's no quick fix for our body. No overnight delivery or downloaded new physique.

Change is HARD

Change takes a long time 😔

I partner with Precision Nutrition and use their online coaching software to help people achieve amazing changes in their body and mind.

Its a year-long coaching course with support and guidance. Yes, a year 😳 

It gets amazing results. My clients don't just see weight loss or muscle gain, they see a difference in how they feel. They change their outlook on life, on their body and reframe success.

It isn’t easy and it isn’t for everyone. The ones that stick at it and implement the skills they learn achieve the best results. Not overnight, but over a whole year. 

People overestimate how much they can do in a month, but underestimate how much they can achieve in a year.

Why a year and not a 6-week diet? 

6-week diets are the Netflix of the world. You’ve been trained to think you can get overnight results. You can’t! 

A year-long coaching course is actually what you and your body can work with. It's slow and deliberate 🐢 Its what you need to get long-lasting results. Even 3 months on the coaching course can change how you eat and think about food, your body and whats important to you.

If you’ve tried many instant result diets and programmes over the years, never coming close to getting the body you want or being happy with your body, this course is for you. 

Some of you out there aren’t ready to start a slow race. Those people are still going on the Amazon Prime of diets. They need to try a few more before they realise next-day diets don’t work. 

The coaching course takes time and a lot of effort. Its hard, like really hard. Most that start the course don’t keep it up as they’re still stuck in the Netflix instant results mentality. It's hard not to be in that mind frame. As humans, we want now!

If it sounds like I’m not selling it to you, I’m not. 

I could give you all manner of bullshit 🤥 and sell an instant result plan. Giving you what you want. That's how a lot of people make a lot of money. That's how I’ve made money in the past. I can’t do it anymore, I can’t lie to you or my clients.

Instead, I may be the FIRST person to actually tell you what you NEED to hear 🤭

The TRUTH! 😘

Your body isn’t Netflix or Amazon Prime. 

Change is slow, its hard and takes more effort than you think. 

Your body is more like a thick book 📖 

Your body is the Lord of the Rings sort of books. 

Long, boring, exciting, eventful, hard to understand at times, enjoyable and worthwhile. Take your time to enjoy the process of learning and changing your mind and body. Instant gratification isn’t the answer.

I truly believe you can do it. You will I promise, just at a slower pace than you think.

If you’re interested in learning about yourself, getting help, being told the truth and more support than you’ve ever had before drop me an email or give me a call.